Episode 3 - the casting
After getting his little Persian heart broken by famous bridal gown designer and millionaire Pooyan, Sina decides to turn the breakup into a movie starring himself as himself. But who is going to play her? Join Sina as he organizes a casting with 14 actresses who will play his ex during their historical breakup. Feel free to subscribe to enjoy his misery unfolding itself.
Episode 3 stars Astrid de Swart, Sina Khani, Carien Yatsiv, Carmel Loukas, Dinara Kerey, Rabia Phatyma, Aérea Negrot, Maria Spesyvtseva, Moana Kraft, Ilona Checa, Katharina Gerhardt, Kyria Sobrinho, Leela Tinelli, Barbara Greco, Mindy Dineyazhe and Anastasia Bisila.
Creeps From The Middle East is written and directed by Susan Lanting, Steven Bos & Sina Khani. Camera by Steven Bos, edit by Susan Lanting and audio Mix by Laurens Lanting.
Music by: Mathew Drumer - Schöneweide Lagoon Used with MATHEW’s kind permission. Telephone - Leave A Little (ARIOLA RECORDS, 1970), written and performed by Freddy and Beatrix Boelen and used with their kind permission. Steven Bos - Playground. Used with Steven Bos’ permission.
The following film contains strong language and suicidal thoughts. Some may find this content disturbing and controversial. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. All characters, incidents, and dialogue portrayed within this series are products of our imagination and are not intended to represent any actual real-life events or people. Remember, it's just comedy.